Co-culture of microalga Chlorella sorokiniana with syntrophic Streptomyces thermocarboxydus in cassava wastewater for wastewater treatment and biodiesel production

Published: 2022 Document Type: Article
Journal: Bioresource Technology,  Volume: 347,  Issue: , Pages
Publisher: Elsevier Ltd
This study aimed to conduct a co-culture of a microalga and syntrophic actinomycetes to treat cassava a biogas effluent wastewater and enhance biodiesel production. Streptomyces thermocarboxydus strain BMI 10 produced the greatest effect on biomass production by Chlorella sorokiniana strain P21. Maximal algal biomass production and total lipid yield were increased when strain BMI 10 was co-cultured (by 21 and 25 %, respectively). Furthermore, the nutrient removal efficiency of P21 was not significantly different under sterilized and unsterilized conditions. Harvestability of the strain was also increased under both conditions. Analysis of the amount and composition of fatty acids from this co-culture biomass revealed that it was quite satisfactory for biodiesel production (54.11–61.52% saturated fatty acids with a 0.59–0.82 degree of unsaturation). Overall, the results showed the co-culture of the alga and bacterium is a holistic enhancement that couples wastewater treatment with biodiesel production. © 2022 Elsevier Ltd
Keyword: Co-culture; Lipid production; Microalga; Nutrient removal; Syntrophic actinomycete
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